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Bec and Colby Peninsula Hot Springs Thalia Skin

Welcome to Thalia

I am a true beauty practitioner, philosopher, writer, mother, wife and pleasure enthusiast.

My journey into skincare was born from a desire to heal my own troubled skin. Eczema, acne, and psoriasis all played a role in my own development. With the wisdom of retrospect, I can now see the blessings that at first were received as a curse. My sensitive and chemically reactive composition became a catalyst for change, in the way I treated my beloved skin.

One morning in angst, after exhausting all cosmeceutical avenues, I emptied my entire bathroom cabinet onto the floor. As I sat there staring down at a sea of empty promises, filled with harmful and incomprehensible ingredient lists disguised as ‘luxury’ I knew there had to be better way…

It was time to go back to the beginning – to unravel the mystery of our delicate and precious skin, created to protect, envelop and embody our souls. My quest had begun for skincare rooted in real results without compromising the Earth or our internal health.

Unable to find products that truly embodied what I believe our precious skin deserves – active, powerful and truly natural skincare, free from synthetic ingredients and loaded with all the beautifying nutrients our skin needs to thrive – it was here that Thalia was born.

“Where the needs of the world and your talents cross, there lies your vocation.” Aristotle

My intention was to create a small yet incredibly potent range of skincare products, that can only be defined as the very epitome of all things divine, as if created by mother nature herself. Skincare of unrivalled quality, showcasing nature’s most precious and powerful skin healers and finest antioxidant-rich botanicals.

My formulations are delivered to you as nature intended – fresh, raw, unprocessed and active. They are made with love, absolute integrity, and a steadfast respect for those of us who truly value self-nurturing and enhancing our natural beauty. There are no preservatives, no watered-down versions, thickeners, emulsifiers, and absolutely no compromises. This is my promise to you.

Beauty IS an innate and natural desire.

Our skin does not operate in isolation to the rest of our being. It is no coincidence that when we feel terrible, the first place we see it is on the face because the health of our body is reflected through our skin. What we put on and into our bodies all plays a vital role in our health, but more importantly, it affects how beautiful we feel.

Beauty is what you feel about yourself, not what you see in the mirror.

It is an attitude, an air of grace, a gentle smile and a loving thought. Beauty is kindness in how we approach others, and essentially, how we love and respect ourselves.

When we don’t feel beautiful it keeps us feeling small, powerless, lost and invisible. Crucially, it disconnects us from feelings of joy and pleasure, which are essential to us living our most beautiful life.

If you desire to read more about all things that embody Thalia beauty, please enjoy our Journal. This is a collection of musings that shares my whole beauty philosophy, fuelled by my passion for women all around the world to reconnect with their unique and beautiful essence, in order to truly blossom from the inside out. May it inspire you in unearthing, celebrating and redefining what True Beauty is.

May you feel the love emanating from these incredibly precious, unique and delectable skin treats, that will nourish your skin and your soul. I am ever learning and ever-evolving, launching my dreams and my offerings to you.

To your blossoming, Bec x

Find out more about our Essential Oils and Active Ingredients