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I Believe in Beauty

I’m going to let you in on a little secret… Beauty MATTERS.

Why is it SO important you ask? Beauty IS an innate and natural desire. It exists in our world for a VERY special reason.

The healing and transformative powers of beauty dawn upon us, like a sudden ray of sunlight, stirring us awake from our slumbers. Beauty bewitches us by bypassing the brain and firing an arrow directly into our hearts. This is why I believe it is nectar we need to heal our aching souls.

We are naturally and instinctively drawn to beauty for its ability to transcend daily life, it has the power to take our breath away, creates a portal to pleasure and evokes within us an overwhelming sense of wonder, appreciation and gratitude all at the same time.

In the presence of beauty we come alive and blossom, like the bud of a flower, gently unfolding its tightly curled petals, layer by layer from the inside out.
I believe as women, we have been hard-wired for beauty since the very beginnings of time. The ancients saw beauty as a path to the divine. This was a time when beauty and pleasure walked together hand in hand, it was a time when women inhabited their bodies as their deepest homes, when their bodies filled them with wonder and they passionately explored every inch of them with pleasure. For them it was not a morning routine, it was a way of life.

It was a time when beauty brought pleasure instead of pain.
Deep down in our genetic cores, we remember the sensual imprint of living this way, our bodies are aching to feel once again, to be touched, soothed, caressed and pampered instead of prodded, pinched and judged.

Beauty is so much more than a trend and it is so much deeper than vanity.
In modern times, I feel that beauty has become demoted to a pleasing physical appearance. In our material world, it appears to hold its value in a somewhat superficial way, which is why many might confuse its importance, or see it as a luxury we cannot afford. But the beauty I’m referring to cannot be found on the front of a magazine cover or bought in a pretty little box.

Our world is bursting with beauty, Its never-ending forms are infinite and it is one of the single greatest gifts we have all been blessed with.

It can be found in the miracles of nature, in life’s simplest pleasures, in a kiss, in kindness, generosity, grace, gratitude and love. In words, in actions, stories, smiles, in soothing sounds or the wonders of a night-time sky.

I’m here to tell you that beauty matters, seeking out, noticing and surrounding ourselves with beauty is not a luxury, it is a necessity and it plays an essential role in our wellbeing. Without it, our lives can sink into despair, sliding into a life that is passionless and depressive. It has the power to pull us out of our pity party and console our deepest sorrows.

Our perception of beauty is one of nature’s most fascinating riddles, which is why there isn’t one universal ideal, but there is, however, one particular point which is constant…

Beauty is what we are attracted to and love is our natural response.
The issue many of us face, is that we are so busy rushing through life, we forget to notice… or even worse, stop looking for beauty. We half taste our food while we’re busy thinking about our next task, or we hurry past a bed of roses without stopping to drink in their scent.

There is a sunrise and a sunset every day, and you can choose to be there for it. You can put yourself in the way of beauty. Wild – Cheryl Strayed
We can beautify our lives, our homes, our hearts and our souls. Like the ancients, we too can begin to create and carve out space for beauty. You could start by exploring your neighbourhood, exploring your sensuality, dance to music that moves you, take a trip to the sea, drink in a sky full of stars or see the forest through the trees.

The fastest way to feeling beautiful is by inviting beauty back into your life.
Deeply honour how your surroundings, your home, your closet, your office, your friends, your thoughts and even how your underwear draw feels for you.

We can redesign our environments and declutter our spaces, keeping only the things that fill us with pleasure and make us feel beautiful.
Imagine the most important guest you have ever had is coming to dinner, how would you clean, cook and prepare for their arrival? Would you fill your home with flowers? Which playlist would you listen to? Which of your favourite outfits would you wear?

If you haven’t guessed already, this special guest is you… We don’t have to wait for an important guest, a beautiful sunset, or the birth of spring. The ways in which we can create beauty in this world are truly endless…

“Beauty is like life-giving water, if you will only open your heart and drink.” Louie Schwartzberg, Nature.Beauty.Gratitude.
Please remember this… When we view things without mental labels or judgement, we can see it for what it truly is, and only then can we see its beauty.

When I take the time to notice all the beauty this magical world has bestowed upon me, my heart begins to burst… In my experience, people who see and take notice of beauty are filled with more gratitude, they feel more love, find more joy, and their lives are filled with awe and wonder…

I don’t think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains. Anne Frank – The Diary of a Young Girl

The thing is.. the more we seek out and notice this magical balm the world has bestowed upon us, the more we begin to see and naturally connect to the beauty that exists within ourselves. And this is possibly the greatest gift of all…

So make a little space for beauty.. then sit back and feel your heart burst open with love…

To your blossoming Bec x

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