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What are antioxidants?

Buzzwords like antioxidants and free radicals are thrown about willy-nilly, but what do they mean and how are they helpful, or harmful, to the skin? 

Let’s go through the facts.

What do antioxidants do for us?

Free radicals are harmful to your skin and body in general. They are molecules that can cause damage to different components in cells, such as the DNA, proteins, outer barrier, and the matrix.

They multiply largely due to high exposure to UV rays, but now these numbers are increasing due to a variety of external factors like infrared radiation, pollutants and other stressors like smoking.  

Antioxidants help with your body’s fight against these free radicals. They essentially donate electrons to neutralise free radicals or stop them from forming in the first place.

But that’s not to say having free radicals around is a disastrous thing. At Thalia, we believe in an ultimate balance, and there is always a delicate proportion of free radicals to antioxidants that are naturally made in the skin. 

However, if the balance is lost and there are too many free radicals compared to antioxidants, then we experience something called oxidative stress. This plays a major role in the premature ageing of the skin, hyperpigmentation, eczema, acne, as well as skin cancers.

Restoring your body’s balance in the most natural way possible is part of our philosophy at Thalia. This is why our organic products are packed with antioxidants that can aid your body’s battle against these symptoms.

Where are antioxidants found?

A lot of skincare products boast about having antioxidant powers, but not all are created equal. It’s actually quite a challenge to ensure that there are high enough concentrations of it, that the product is stable enough and that it is actually biologically active once applied to the skin.

This is why, at Thalia, we select rare, exquisite and nutrient-rich carrier oils that are delivered in their freshest, rawest and unprocessed states, to ensure the vitality and energetic life force of each precious plant remain intact.

This way, our organic essential oils can feature a number of antioxidants in their purest form. 

Vitamin A 

Often found under the guise of retinol, tretinoin acid, or retinaldehyde, Vitamin A has multiple functions. 

It increases healthy cellular turnover, exfoliates the skin, decreases the signs of ageing, repairs cellular structure, decreases sebum production and elicits the formation of collagen.

We use ingredients such as Camellia Seed Oil and Rosehip CO2 Extract to pack both our Multi-Correctional Facial Serum and Clarifying Cleansing Oil with Vitamin A to help awaken tired, dull and dehydrated skin. 

Vitamin C 

This is such a powerful vitamin. It is a strong antioxidant that binds and removes harmful free radicals from the skin, like those produced from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and environmental pollutants.

It simultaneously helps prevent ageing skin, stimulates the production of collagen and protects against UV damage. 

Our products are full of natural Vitamin C, delivered by ingredients like the rare Seabuckthorn Berry CO2 extract. 

Vitamin E

Like Vitamin C, Vitamin E is a super powerful organic substance that fights off harmful UV rays.

Scientific studies have demonstrated that Vitamin E treatment can reduce UV-induced photo-damage, decrease the risk of skin cancers, and stabilise the skin barrier.

We use ingredients like Prickly Pear Seed Oil, Argan Oil and Tamanu Oil in our products to help regenerate dry skin and help battle irritations like acne and eczema. 


It sounds odd and chemical-like, but Curcumin, or Curcuma Longa is found in turmeric root. 

That yellow-gold coloured spice that’s so popular in Mediterranean cuisine has become so much more globally renowned for its healing qualities in recent times.

It helps decrease inflammation, accelerates wound healing, prevents oily skin and acne, fights free radicals, and is photo-protective, anti-ageing and anti-microbial.

The yellow colour can make it challenging to incorporate it into skincare serums, but where there’s a will, there’s a way. Our multi-correctional facial serum is gentle, does not stain the skin, and provides light exfoliating effects that leave skin feeling soft with a gorgeous glowing after-effect.

Antioxidants aren’t all cast in the same mould but, at Thalia, we believe that an all-natural all-encompassing formula will help your body balance the levels of free radicals to nourish both your skin and your soul. 

To your blossoming xxx

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