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Skincare tips to combat winter skin

There are many simple ways to combat the causes of dry skin in winter and help our body’s largest organ feel moist and supple all season long. For starters, Chinese Medicine teaches us that this is the season to pay particular attention to our kidneys.

In fact, many Chinese and Japanese, cover the kidneys with a flannel belt in winter to keep their bodies warm. Another key element to kidney health is hydration, which is an absolute must for beautiful skin and a healthy life.

Here are some helpful tips if you want to achieve that elusive winter glow.

Get a good moisturiser

A good moisturiser is a vital part of your arsenal against dry or itchy skin. It replenishes the skin with valuable lipids, which are essential in creating a barrier against the elements and restoring hydration — it’s basically the best lotion for winter dry skin!

Don’t forget your hands! To keep ourselves and our families safe, we’ve been washing our hands so much more over this period, but that means they’re taking a beating.

We love applying Black Seed Oil to our hands before bed. Its anti-inflammatory properties will soothe sore hands, and invest in some gloves to protect your skin while cleaning to prevent any further dryness or sensitivities. 

Our Awakening Serum is specifically designed to replenish hydration, boost elasticity and provide the ultimate array of critical nutrients that your skin craves in these winter months. Not only that, but this multi-correctional elixir infuses skin with protective antioxidants, vital vitamins including A, C, E & K, which strengthens minerals and plumps-up fatty acids, including Omegas 3, 6, 7 & 9, to awaken skin and restore luminosity. 

With our luxurious serum, which is also perfectly designed to combat dry flaky skin in winter, try our moisturising ritual for amazing results: 

  • Morning and night after cleansing, warm 5-6 drops between the palms of your hands to activate. 
  • Take a moment to deeply inhale the aroma of plant essences, allowing them to weave their magic into your being. 
  • Gently massage from the centre, in upward, circular motions over the entire face, neck and décolletage, pushing and pressing into the eye area, to promote circulation. 
  • Finish by tapping lightly with the tips of your fingers over the face and around the eye area to assist with lymphatic drainage.

Less is more

At any time of the year, let alone in winter, it’s so easy to fall into the trap of getting lots of different products that target a specific problem that we have with our skin. 

This approach not only burns a hole in our wallets, but all those chemicals and substances can actually be detrimental to the health of our skin.

We believe that the best way to avoid dry skin in winter is a ritual with fewer products of greater quality is beneficial to both our skin and our bank accounts.

This is why our entire collection consists of only three products, our Awakening Serum, Cleansing Truth, and Purity Polish (which is available with our Ritual Combo). These products contain everything you need to achieve that healthy glow all year round.

We refer to our formulations as multi-correctional, as we have addressed specific skin concerns with the inclusion of targeted botanicals. We believe in doing away with multiple toners and overnight masks and taking things back to all-natural basics in the most effective and minimalist way.

Turn down the thermostat

When it’s cold outside, the first thing we do when we get home is crank up the thermostat. Although we’re giving our bodies that much-needed injection of warmth, what we’re actually doing is making our homes even drier than it is outside!

Skincare tips to combat winter skin - Thalia Skin

That doesn’t mean you have to go without heating all winter — just turn down the thermostat to a more comfortable setting of around 20-22° Celsius. This is the classic room-temperature and is actually where our bodies will feel more comfortable.

Investing in a humidifier can also be beneficial, adding that much-needed moisture back into our homes. Run a humidifier in the rooms you spend the most time in, including your bedroom, to make sure you’re getting the most benefit.

Keep active

One of the reasons we look and feel better in the summer is that we tend to be out more.

While curling up in a blanket in front of the TV is tempting on a cold day, this kind of activity (or non-activity) can contribute to skin stagnation, because it’s reducing our natural blood-flow.

Skincare tips to combat winter skin - Thalia Skin

Staying active will help boost our circulation and keep our glow intact. We recommend committing to at least 30 minutes of walking three times a week — preferably outside, of course, to also ensure some fresh air and Vitamin D. 

Dry Brushing 

Dry brushing before a shower or bath is always good, both to remove any dry skin and to get the circulation going. It’s tempting to have a really hot bath, but too hot water can also spell dryness. You could counter this by adding some olive oil or milk to your bath before stepping in. 

Skincare tips to combat winter skin - Thalia Skin

Eat healthily

Another reason we get dry or itchy skin in winter is a lack of nutrients flowing to the area.

When we’re consuming plenty of antioxidants, like vitamin C as well as other skin-supporting nutrients such as zinc, our body has what it needs to flush the skin with nourishment. This also assists in repairing damage, and brings fresh new skin cells to the surface.

During the colder months, we tend to eat more comfort food. While this is good for an immediate endorphin boost, it’s not so good for our health. 

Skincare tips to combat winter skin - Thalia Skin

Fatty or greasy foods are normally pretty low in nutritional value and they don’t exactly help our blood flow. Instead, try to cook more yummy casseroles, stews and soups, and mix in some vitamin-packed smoothies to keep up our natural glows. 

While we said to avoid ‘fatty’ foods, sometimes when it comes to beautiful skin fat can, in fact, be your friend. Foods packed with ‘healthy fats’ such as grass-fed ghee, avocado, olive and coconut oil can actually help our immune systems and are skin superstars. Plenty of Omega-3 essential fatty acids from flax, chia seeds or oily fish also provide moisture from the inside out and reduce inflammation.

Traditional Chinese Medicine recommends seasonal moistening foods such as pears, pumpkins, mushrooms, squash, cabbage, apples, grapefruit and lemon. While if you’re looking to add a warming element to cold food, try adding super-spices like turmeric or cinnamon. 

A glass of hot water and lemon can be a great way to start the day; it kick-starts the metabolism and rehydrates, followed by some stewed fruit with natural greek yoghurt. 

If you keep these approaches up, there’s no reason why you can’t have beautiful skin this winter.

To your blossoming xxx

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