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Best Green Beauty Drinks

Best Green Beauty Drinks - for skin beauty products have a look at Thalia's natural organic skin care

by Rebecca Giorgilli

August 18, 2018


Best Green Beauty Drinks

by Rebecca Giorgilli

August 18, 2018

Best Green Beauty Drinks - for skin beauty products have a look at Thalia's natural organic skin care

In our experience, going green would have to be hands down, the best way to glow from the inside out. Here at Thalia, we have decided to dedicate this weekend to our favourite green beauty drinks, to boost vibrancy, increase energy and of course, get you glowing all over again.

Going green is a powerful way to alkalise your system and create an optimal pH state (the measure of acidity to alkalinity) in the body. The acid-alkaline balance is important for health and proper functioning, and good acid-alkaline regulation is vital for glowing skin. Foods that are high in protein, high starch, processed, or filled with refined sugars are largely acid-forming, but fruits and vegetables, particularly those that are green, are wonderful for bringing you back into balance.

All things green support our liver. When it comes to skin, the liver is a powerhouse organ. A healthy fully functioning liver is crucial to the body’s detoxification process. When the liver is congested, we are less able to eliminate toxic waste. This can show up on the skin in various forms of breakouts, eczema, psoriasis, rashes and liver spots. Green foods like Kale, for example, have been shown to assist with detoxification and have a cleansing effect on the liver.

Speaking from personal experience, a liver cleanse completely cleared my remaining eczema, that had been part of my skin story since childhood. So please do not underestimate the importance of our liver, particularly for the benefits to our beloved skin.

Most green foods thanks to photosynthesis contain chlorophyll. Studies suggest chlorophyll helps us assimilate the healing light and power of the sun, it oxygenates and purifies our blood, is anti-inflammatory and packed with antioxidants. It has been shown to repair skin, particularly sun-damaged and speed up healing of wounds.

Here are our top three beauty drinks for you to play with this weekend, packed with powerful nutrients, beautifying minerals and guaranteed to get you back in touch with your inner green.

The Green Protein Smoothie
This recipe is from one of our favourite recipe books, “Eat Beautiful” by Wendy Rowe. This smoothie has hydrating coconut water, is loaded with healthy fats to help plump and smooth the skin, and loaded with Vitamin E, to help protect against free radicals. Recommended as an early-morning boost, both for energy and beauty, which is why it ticks all our boxes!

2 Kale Leaves, thick stems removed

Small handful of spinach

Flesh of 1 small avocado

100ml Coconut water

200ml Unsweetened almond milk

1 Date, pitted and chopped

Throw it all in a blender or food processor and whizz until smooth. Too easy!

The Ocean’s Cup
Marine phytoplankton is a super-nutrient from the ocean. It is a single-celled micro algae, like chlorella and spirulina, and contains hundreds of different carotenoids, essential fatty acids, minerals amino acids and nutrients. Beyond trace minerals, Marine phytoplankton contains hundreds of potent phytochemicals that can protect tissues of our body, detoxify your blood and remove toxins, enhance oxygenation, circulation and reverse abnormal cell division.

Marine Phytoplankton is not only responsible for 90% of the Earth’s oxygen, but is also the staple food for some of our planets largest and longest living animals such as the Blue Whales who can live up to 200 years old.

Our supplier of this incredible green substance is Yoko Inoue, founder of organic raw food café Shoku Iku, the seller of superfood nutrients, and author of “Raw”.

Yoko Inoue suggests for a simple drink, try adding 1 teaspoon of this super-nutrient powder to your smoothie or mix with coconut water.

Pistachio Ice-Cream Smoothie
This one is for fun! Part green smoothie, part dessert, this is one of the most enjoyable green smoothies we have ever had the delight of finding, and is my go-to when I’m searching for something sweet. If the thought of devouring a mountain of greens at every meal just isn’t working for you, this smoothie may be just the thing! We kid you not, it tastes just like pistachio ice-cream, but with a cup full of “holy kale” it can be savoured at breakfast, lunch or dessert!

1 Cup Green Kale Leaves

1 Banana – fresh or frozen

1 Cup ice – A little less if using a frozen banana

½ Cup Water or Coconut Water

½ Cup Cashews

3 pitted dates or 1 Tablespoon of Maple Syrup

½ Teaspoon Vanilla Extract

Pinch Celtic or Himalayan Salt

Toss all ingredients into a high-speed blender and puree until smooth. Be transported to smoothie heaven.

Possible Additions:

1 Teaspoon of greens powder such as spirulina or chlorella to supercharge chlorophyll content.

1 Teaspoon of ground flaxseed

A Magical Mug of Matcha
This recipe comes from the beautiful Sarah Holloway at Matcha Maiden. Matcha has been known as the “miracle elixir” in the East for thousands of years. Consider all the benefits of green tea, supercharged because you are ingesting the entire leaf, and all of its nutrients. Just one serving of Matcha contains roughly the same vitamin, mineral antioxidant and amino acid content of 10 cups of green tea. A cup of antioxidants anyone?

You will need:

A stovetop or microwave

A teaspoon

Hot Water (not boiling)

Matcha powder

Your choice of milk (cows, soy, almond, coconut)

Your choice of sweetener (honey, stevia, maple syrup, rice malt syrup or coconut sugar)

A mug/cup

  1. Put ½ teaspoon of Matcha powder into a saucepan (if you’re using a stovetop) or straight into a mug (if you’re using a microwave)
  2. Add in hot water – just enough to cover the matcha
  3. Mix to dissolve the matcha and form a thin paste
  4. Add your choice of mil to the dissolved matcha (we adore coconut)
  5. Heat up on the stovetop or place in the microwave (if you’ve dissolved your matcha in a mug) until hot.
  6. Add your choice of sweetener
  7. Top with a sprinkle of matcha or cinnamon
  8. *Make sure not to drown the matcha in water, as this will result in a watery matcha latte. Add just enough to cover the matcha and dissolve it. It is also important not to use boiling water as this burns the matcha and can result in bitterness.

Possible Additions:

1 Tablespoon collagen

1 Tablespoon of grass-fed butter or ghee

1 Tablespoon of coconut oil

Sprinkles of vanilla bean

1 Tablespoon coconut crème

*We love to throw it in a high-speed blender and blitz until smooth and creamy.

Matcha Powder Green Beauty Drinks

To your blossoming xxx

Click here to learn why, when it comes to beautiful skin, fat is, in fact, your friend.

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