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Rituals to stay healthy at home

This presents new challenges. It can alter our daily routines, increase our stress and restlessness, and impact both our mental and physical health. 

During these times it’s vital we give ourselves some extra TLC, so we can continue living our best lives. Here are our favourite rituals to keep you inspired and sane! 

Keep a morning routine

It’s relatively easy to keep your usual morning routine. You’ll still get up, have a shower, make breakfast, etcetera. But what working from home will change is your commute to work — it’s non-existent. 

It can be tempting to use this time to lie in bed and scroll through social media pages, but this will do no good for your productivity and mental health. 

Instead, aim to use this precious time wisely. Nature is not cancelled, so getting out for a walk, better still barefoot, to drink in its healing nectar, will soothe any weary soul.

Hug a tree. We’re serious! Hugs and touch are integral to our wellbeing and boosting our immunity!! Or you could use this time for daily self-massage to pump our lymph, improve circulation and release those feel good endorphins.

Movement. Moving your body helps move emotions, even if it’s dancing to your favourite tunes in the lounge room. 

Finally, you might be tempted to forgo the shower and lounge around in your pyjamas all day. (Tempting!) However, pyjamas, whilst comfy won’t provide you with a productive mindset. Kick your mind into gear by wearing some nominated work clothes, to cue you for work.

Keep structure

The same goes for the rest of your day. Begin and end work at the same time and try to stick to your usual eating habits. With easy access to your kitchen and with nobody else waiting until 1pm to eat their lunch, it can be easy to find your way back to the fridge. 

But just because you don’t have meetings or designated lunch hours, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t stick to the structure of it all. Your whole body is used to a certain routine and altering from this can really affect your digestion and nutritional uptake. 

What also proves a challenge is overcoming the thought that you can work with the television on. Sure, the novelty of it might be nice to begin with, but over time you’ll notice a sharp decrease in your productivity. Not reaching your regular goals at work can have major impacts on your mood and stress levels — so switch out the TV for some inspiring music instead. 

Look after your skin

Being cooped up inside also affects your body’s largest organ — your skin. 

During these times it’s important to nourish your skin as much as possible with a beautiful concoction of vitamins, antioxidants and plant power as much as possible.

Of course, our wildcrafted and organic skincare provides this perfect remedy, but it’s equally imperative you treat your skin with some extra love and attention. For example, drink lots of water, move your beautiful body, sweat, and get plenty of good sleep to stay glowing.

The one essential vitamin your body loses when you spend lots of time inside is vitamin D. We get almost all of this micronutrient from the sun, so even though you’re supposed to be inside, find a few moments to get out of the house. Whether that’s a walk to the shops to get some supplies or a jog around the park, the more time you can spend outside the better. 

Control your environment

At home, you don’t have to be at the mercy of your boss’s ideal office environment — you’re in charge. 

Open your windows to let some fresh air in to reinvigorate yourself, set the thermostat to whatever temperature feels most comfortable to you and turn on as many lights as you need to see without squinting or dealing with glare.

The downside of being in charge of your own environment is now there’s no cleaner to keep your office space clean — it’s down to you.

A clear space means a clear mind, so vacuum two-times weekly, clean and wash the most used things at your home every day. Try not to dirty dishes in the sink for a long time, wipe down surfaces after and dust regularly.

Lastly, keep things organised. Always put your clothes, shoes and coats away, make your bed in the morning, declutter your workspace so it looks inviting. All of these things will allow you to recreate the ideal working conditions as best as possible. 

Eat and drink healthily

Now is not the time to be trying out new and outlandish diets. Instead, these times provide the perfect opportunity to nourish yourself with incredible home-cooked love. By this, we mean real food, rich in nutrients to support you in thriving instead of surviving through these times. Our motto is to eat the rainbow as much as possible.

Use this extra time to prep your lunch and snacks in the evening, to provide yourself with something you can look forward to. You might just be surprised at what your inner chef can whip up. When you do finally eat, slow down and savour every delicious mouthful! 

Part of eating healthily incorporates where you eat as well. Turning your home desk into a snack or lunch station, for example, is not the best idea. Try to keep your desk away from where you eat and, if you’re a chronic snacker, make sure you have some nutritional options available, like nuts and fresh fruit.

For some, working from home can prove a challenge, but the key to success is to try set up rituals to support yourself from 9-to-5. The TV, kitchen and cluttered surrounds all cause distractions from your daily focus. 

With so many out of work, gratitude for all we have is so powerful when we begin to slide into a funk. Be compassionate with yourself, this is all new to you, and be sure to reach out to a friend or someone you love for support when you need it. There is so much beauty in vulnerability. 

To your blossoming xxx

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